
Cool stuff made with cultural heritage APIs

Page history last edited by Mia 6 years, 10 months ago Saved with comment

There's of lot of behind-the-scenes work using linked data and cultural heritage APIs.  When data is open, as well as structured, people outside the organisation can make cool stuff.  Here's a selection of sites, apps and hacks that help demonstrate the value of linked open cultural data.  If you've made something cool or useful, don't be shy - add it to the list!


    1. Make your data available.
    2. Don’t expect things to happen immediately
    3. If you can, guide the developer to help them fine tune their product & give them insight into the intricacies of the data.'



Comments (6)

Mia said

at 5:01 pm on Apr 26, 2009

I wonder if something like NINES Collex could work with content published via an API? http://nines.org/news/?p=7

Mia said

at 11:32 pm on Apr 27, 2009

Not cultural heritage, but a good pointer to the possibilities: Building a local news mashup with Twitter, TwitterFeed, Delicious, Yahoo! Pipes, Ruby and RSS http://adrianshort.co.uk/2009/03/15/311/

Mia said

at 10:59 am on May 4, 2009

Virginia, do you have a sense of which widgets have caught people's imaginations?

Mia said

at 3:57 pm on May 4, 2009

Another hit and run comment while I'm meant to be doing other things:

NPRbackstory: Finding value in news archives through automation

"It was from an automated Twitter account called NPRbackstory, a project by a man named Keith Hopper. Keith is a project manager at Public Interactive, a division of NPR, and NPRbackstory is an intriguing experiment in getting value out of one of the most overlooked assets any established news organization has: its archives.

The link in the Borel tweet is to a brief piece NPR’s Noah Adams did on the jockey two years ago, after he’d won his first Kentucky Derby. The genius of NPR Backstory is that it took no human intervention to create that tweet: the code behind it automatically detected that lots of people were suddenly searching for information about Calvin Borel, searched NPR’s archives for any Borel-related stories, found one, and posted a link to Twitter."


Imagine that done with museum records - could be way cool.

Piotr Kopszak said

at 2:17 pm on Jun 4, 2012

Great informations. Thanks! However http://www.govhack.org/2012/06/01/better-photosearch/ is a sort of anti-pattern. The way it truncates descriptions of pictures without linking the full text is irritating to say the least.

Mia said

at 2:28 pm on Jun 4, 2012

True, and you can't get a reference to a bigger version of the image, either. I assume it was because time was short on the hackday rather than an intentional act.

Cheers, Mia

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