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register your interest

Page history last edited by m_hopwood 11 years, 9 months ago Saved with comment

You don't have to do this - you can just get stuck in and start contributing - but it's nice to know who's here and what they're interested in.


Not everyone who's interested will be able to participate actively, so feel free to add your name, contact details and a summary of your areas of interest here and we'll keep you up to date. 


To extend this template, you can either click within the table and use the "Row > Insert Row" command, or use "Table Properties" to expand the table as desired. 


I'm interested! 

Name Works for
Email Interests Other Info
Michael Hopwood EDItEUR (Project Lead) michael@editeur.org Integrating commercial product data into cultural heritage data; commercial reuse of CH data; persistent IDs for CH objects Project Lead for public-private partnership work in http://www.linkedheritage.eu - contributing commercial book, film&TV, music and photo data to http://www.europeana.eu and investigating incentives / barriers to commercial re-use of CH data(sets)/APIs/LOD etc. 
Mia Ridge

Doctoral student, Open University

firstname.lastname at gmail Access to online collections, getting things done in ways that make geeks happy and work with positive change in organisations while doing things for our audiences.

blogging at http://www.openobjects.org.uk/


On twitter @mia_out

Nate Solas Walker Art Center firstname.lastname at walkerart org Most likely trying to duplicate the Brooklyn API.  Also using Opensearch / media rss, and OAI/PMH - at this point all internally, project launches in May. Rarely blogging at http://blogs.w
Andy Neale DigitalNZ  firstname.lastname at natlib.govt.nz Interested in helping others get their APIs up-and-running. Also interested in seeing how a developer community can come together around these APIs




Virginia Gow DigitalNZ firstname.lastname at natlib.govt.nz Non technical - helping convince content providers / collection owners of the benefits of APIs; and sharing experience of this.




Mike Ellis Eduserv firstname.lastname at gmail com I'm still here :-) and still very much interested in the cultural heritage space and how to get content out of museums to the world of developers and (one day) real people, too. I'm particularly passionate about UX and EASY programmatic access (i.e REST, OpenSearch, RSS).

bloggage at




also some more museum / API related stuff at:




Thomas Tunsch Nat. Mus. Berlin th.lastname at smb.spk-berlin.de MuseumsWiki,

Semantic Web and Wikis,

Stewardship and Cultural Memory Organizations in the Digital Age


Mark Matienzo New York Public Library firstname at lastname.org Linked Data; Persistent identifiers/cool URIs; shared design patterns and schemas with other institutions in the cultural heritage sector (libraries & museums)


blog: http://thesecretmirror.com/

@anarchivist on twitter

Shelley Bernstein Brooklyn Museum      
Richard Urban University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign rjurban  [at] illinois.edu

cultural heritage metadata,  aggregation, LAM collaboration/convergence,

linked open data, semantic web






Paul Rowe Vernon Systems firstname at vernonsystems.com Building a public API to data in our CMS: eHive. Looking to support external sites built on live and harvested data from the system, including the www.nzmuseums.co.nz website and Digital New Zealand projects. Primarily interested in Rest based APIs, OAI-PHM harvesting and Open Search.


@armchair_caver on twitter

@ehive on twitter

Jo Eaton DigitalNZ firstname.lastname at natlib.govt.nz Running HackFests, helping out the developer and producer community.




Kevin Elliott WeLike firstname at welikeinc.com

Help shore up the API to help get it standardizeFormats used in LOD-LAM d. Test and implement. Evangelize the use of the API. Eventually I want to be a consumer of the data for my museum iPhone application called Mused (http://musedapp.com)

In the end, I want this data to help increase awareness and attendance to museums.






Mika Nyman Synapse Computing  firstname.lastname at synapse-computing.com  Building a semantic web for research and culture.

Member of CIDO CRM SIG

Chair of CIDOC Co-reference Working Group

@MikaNyman on Twitter

Jonty Wareing

Last.fm firstname @ firstname .co.uk Building tools that allow museums to leverage the skill and knowledge of the regular visitors.



Bill Roberts Swirrl bill@swirrl.com Linked Data expert. Currently building PublishMyData, a platform for easily publishing Linked Data http://www.webofdatablog.com
Dan Matei Institute for Cultural Memory - CIMEC, Bucharest firstname @ cimec.ro CH metadata, LinkedData for CH, API for CH, etc. for CH :-)  
Richard Light Richard Light Consultancy firstname @ lastname .demon.co.uk Linked Data experimenter and observer. Keen that museums should be able to take a part in the Linked Data space. Strongly support persistent URLs for concepts; less convinced about RDF etc.  
Joy Hooper
Student - studying towards MA Digital Heritage through Leicester University

I have an interest in user-generated content and the potential of APIs, RDF etc to make content more accessible and relevant to learners, within the education and museum sector. Prior to becoming a student I worked in the e-learniung team at the NZ Ministry of Education. A key project was The Le@rning Federation (TLF) initiative, www.thelearningfederation.edu.au.



Nick Poole
CEO at Collections Trust and Chair, Europeana Content Council

I am particularly interested in models for sharing cultural content based on aggregation and federation and in the use of API to enhance and extend museum, library and archive Collections Management Systems. I am an occasional developer, working on projects such as http://www.heritageportal.eu with various publishing systems including Joomla and Wordpress.





Blogging at http://openculture.collectionstrustblogs.org.uk

Geoff Barker Curator/Online Producer Powerhouse Museum geoffb@phm.gov.au I am particularly interested in the development of work-flows that aid the creation and dissemination of collection level data and content within heritage collections. Current interests - Collections Australia Network, Museum Metadata Exchange, Victorian technology collections, digital repatriation, a shared relational thesaurus, historic photograph collections.
Paul Groves Project Manager / Web Producer at Ashmolean Museum, Oxford paul.groves at ashmus.ox.ac.uk

Particularly interested in connecting online collections from different institutions in useful, sustainable ways and in the possibilities that museum APIs may offer, such as mash-ups with other data sources



On twitter: @paul_gr0ves

On Skype: pgroves999

Adrian Kingston Museum of New Zealand, Te Papa Tongarewa

firstname.lastname at tepapa.govt.nz


adriankingston.nz at that Google one

Not a programmer, but a fairly good grasp on cultural and natural collection metadata and digital assets. Looking to provide as much access and reuse of our collections as possible, and to get them out into the woooorld.


Also interested in not just the technical and data challenges, but also the organisational barriers, and how better to work across organisations.





Elena Lagoudi Museologist, Hellenic National Documentation Centre firstname.lastname at gmail

We are designing a LOD Raas (repository as a service) for museums and I am interested in repositories useful to end users as well as middle users, homogenization of cultural heritage metadata,  aggregation, semantic interoperability, documentation workflow, content strategies, national aggregators.



Archival list of original contributors

This is a re-purposed wiki, so to avoid confusion about who was involved in the previous incarnation and who's around for the current, I'd made a new 'people who are involved page' - this page.  Below is an archival list of the original contributors to this wiki so you have a sense of who created earlier content.  If you're interested in contributing or leaving some contact details for the conversation that's happening now (2009), edit the table above.  If you were involved previously and are still up for it, add yourself to the table above too cos we're not making any assumptions.


Back in the day: 

Comments (15)

Mia said

at 3:55 pm on Mar 23, 2009

There's also a list of previous contributors at http://museum-api.pbwiki.com/contributors

Mia said

at 10:49 am on Apr 7, 2009

Welcome Virginia! It sounds like you can make really useful contributions.

And it's good to see you're still here, Mike :)

Mia said

at 12:35 am on Apr 25, 2009

Thomas, the Remarks at http://museums.wikia.com/wiki/Stewardship_and_Cultural_Memory_Organizations_in_the_Digital_Age#Museums are interesting, particularly the 'validation/evaluation/review process' cycle for museums accepting user-generated content. Do you know of any museums putting that into practice?

Mia said

at 6:28 pm on Apr 25, 2009

Contributors and 'register your interest' pages merged - hopefully no more confusion.

ThT said

at 4:16 pm on Apr 27, 2009

Mia, these remarks are part of the conversation and discussion during the "Friday Afternoon Seminar". Because Wikipedia has to deal with a lot of input from "unknown" authors, their model of the validation/evaluation/review process could be helpful for museums as well. But I don't know any practical use in museums though.

Mia said

at 10:23 pm on Apr 27, 2009

Thanks for putting that in context.

The Berlin museums have such fabulous collections, are they thinking about releasing them in any kind of machine-accessible way?

ThT said

at 3:13 pm on Apr 28, 2009

They do already in the "BAM-Portal" (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/BAM-Portal) using the "museumdat" standard (http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Museumdat).

Mia said

at 2:32 pm on Apr 29, 2009

Cool, translating sites are blocked in the office but I'll put those pages through babelfish tonight.

Mia said

at 5:03 pm on Oct 27, 2009

Welcome Jo!

Mia said

at 8:34 pm on Apr 3, 2010

Welcome Jonty!

Mia said

at 6:22 pm on Apr 9, 2010

Welcome Bill!

Mia said

at 3:56 pm on Jul 17, 2010

Welcome Dan!

Dan Matei said

at 5:33 pm on Jul 17, 2010

I hope you will make me smarter !

Mia said

at 12:13 pm on Jul 20, 2010

Dan - I was hoping I'd get smarter too!

And welcome Joy - your ideas sound really interesting, I've always wondered about the viability of APIs as a resource for learners. It seems that without easy drag-and-drop or visualisation tools (and lots of tutorials and examples) it's pretty difficult to get people started - is that the kind of thing you're looking at, or is it more general?

Mia said

at 11:51 am on Jun 24, 2011

Welcome Geoff!

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