Following the success of the first 'Linking museums: machine-readable data in cultural heritage'
meetup (original announcement, write-up and attendees), another meetup will be held in London for people interested in the applications of linked data, microformats, RDFa (etc) for museums and the cultural heritage sector.
Date: Monday, September 27, 7:30 - 10pm-ish.
Venue: Shooting Star pub, London.
The Shooting Star is at 125-129 Middlesex Street, London, E1 7JF (very near Liverpool Street Station). The 'gallery' is reserved for Mia for 7:30pm. The pub serves food, directions at
I've chosen this date because there's a bunch of linked data stuff in London that month, so hopefully people will be feeling inspired, and particularly because Web science: A new frontier is on September 27 - 28.
Why? Getting developers who want to use museum data together with museum technologists helps create a shared understanding of what data is useful, and how it could be used.
Who? This event is for you if you're interested in publishing and sharing data about their museums and collections through technologies such as linked data and microformats.
Theme? Good question - got any suggestions or burning issues?
Mia: perhaps something like 'what's needed to make your museum mashable', with possible topics including data structures/formats, licensing, copyright, images, documentation and examples, etc. It kinda assumes that the answer to 'why linked data' is 'to make your museum mashable' but maybe that's not a bad thing.
Structure? Pretty informal. Last time we broke out into smaller groups to discuss various use cases. If we do that again, it'd be good to allow time for each group to report back - this also gives people a chance to move around between discussions.
Find out more? Leave a comment below, or tweet @mia_out.
Sign up or register your interest now!
I'm coming [edit and add your name here]
Mia (Science Museum), @mia_out
James (Kew), @jamesinealing
Louise (Tate) @LouiseDowne
Jonty @Jonty
Paul Miller @PaulMiller
Greg Hadfield @greghadfield
Richard Boulton @rboulton
Joe Padfield (National Gallery) @JoePadfield
Jo Pugh (Nat.Archives) @mentionthewar
Maybe [edit and add your name here]
Alexandra @ammeveleigh hopefully... Nope, not going to make it in the end, but I've briefed another archives spy...
Sebastian @sebkom Provided my university lecturers are not super strict
James Aylett @jaylett (absent fire, plague, etc.)
Regrets [edit and add your name here]
Richard Light @richardofSussex will be rehearsing Polonius in RaGAD
Comments (4)
James Morley said
at 8:07 am on Aug 21, 2010
Hi Mia, count me in. Are you or anyone else going to on 14 Sept?
James (Kew), @jamesinealing
Richard Light said
at 8:09 pm on Aug 30, 2010
I'll be there. Any message I should be bringing from the museums community?
Mia said
at 1:13 pm on Aug 21, 2010
Hooray! I can't make the other on Sept 14, but I think other people have mentioned that they're going.
Mia said
at 5:20 pm on Sep 26, 2010
Some useful links
Web 3.0 in plain English
The Semantic Business Case for Museums
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