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LOD-LAM London meetup

Page history last edited by Richard Light 13 years, 3 months ago

July 12, at the Shooting Star pub, 125 Middlesex Street, London, E1

London meetup for people interested in Linked Open Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums (LOD-LAM, or possibly LOD-MLA or LOD-GLAM).  Come and find out how the LOD-LAM workshop went and give your perspective on the discussions. 


The meetup will be held on July 12, at the Shooting Star pub, London.  The Shooting Star is at 125-129 Middlesex Street, London, E1 7JF (very near Liverpool Street Station).  The pub serves food, directions at http://www.fancyapint.com/pubs/pub785.php.


Optional-but-nice RSVP below or at http://lanyrd.com/2011/lodlamlon-july/


To discuss:

  • what was learnt from LOD-LAM that's useful for the UK museums, libraries, archives sectors and users of their data?
  • is there interest in a UK-based event, either before or after DC2011 in the Hague September 21-23 or around UK Museums on the Web (#ukmw11, November 25).
  • other interesting developments in the linked open data space that's relevant to the GLAM (galleries, libraries, archives and museums) and HE (higher education) sectors



Notes from discussion

Mia @mia_out, Richard @richardofsussex, Stephen @ohthatstephen, Matthew @mdovey


Discussion of licensing to enable re-use e.g. event listings.

Is partial release a way for organisations to get comfortable with open data release?


Question: are clear rights for re-use more important than tech bells and whistles? [Answer from twitter: yes!]


Some discussion of the CIDOC-CRM conference in Romania later this year - [Richard] looking at knowledge management; lots of linked data sessions.


The chicken and the egg situation - need to get out of the abstract. [Yes!] 

Turn (online) access into visits.

[Killer app for culture - event listings + visit data (for quiet times to visit) + hit list of top 5 objects/collection level description?]

Matthew described work around activity data (which records are accessed, books borrowed the most) in libraries.


C24/Stephen potential model for working - form relationships, ask how partners will use data. Make the data publicly available to others with a clear licence at the same time...


Discussion of the difficulty in spotting, highlighting the 'hero' objects - the really special ones that'd make someone want to visit - in a mass of collections records for a museum.  Look to library 'activity' model, match visits to objects/cases, or to online popularity?  Highlight the top 5, 10 most interesting objects first in listings?


Attribution and messiness in records (following LOD-LAM Messy data and same-as discussion) -> give up on inferencing but it's important to be able to 'show your workings' and be transparent about how links were made.


In a metadata record, is 'creator' the creator of the object or of the record?  Europeana, CultureGrid records show that it's handled in many different ways across datasets - we need a workable, agreed model for museums.  [On twitter, @ostephens commented 'suspect that Q sums up the difference between library and museum metadata']


Richard: deceptive simplicity of dbpedia model, need for co-contextuality, e.g. variations in population of Berlin over time, applying triples to triples, reification.


Is a good step mapping internal vocabs to external ones as a relatively easy way to link out...

Which led to discussion of the Getty vocabs and whether they'd be suitable; and if they're not ever going to be open, would people use alternative vocabs in future? i.e. is there an opportunity cost in using a licenced vocab if it prevents you from publishing open data, or even just means you have to do more work?


Noted: these days, power lies in organising information, not owning it (e.g. Google doesn't own content, but they own your gateway to it).


Future event?

Date: perhaps in November, around the time of the UK Museums and the Web conference?  (i.e. Nov 24) - does this clash with any other event, or are there other events around that time that would also be bringing people into one location, making logistics and travel easier?  [Request for help with feasibility testing the data - leave a comment/edit if you know of any in the higher ed, library, archive or museum worlds...]


Location: London?


Strands, themes: from the abstract to the concrete; removing obstacles

Possible parallel strands include -

  • licences (session to help people design licences to take back for validation by directorate/lawyers - outcome is a licence tailored for your institutional data/sets of data; maximum re-use with minimum liability?)
  • can linked data get more people through your door?
  • what's the lowest common denominator for shared linked open data for libraries, archives and museums? [how might that relate to future Arts Council remit?]
  • what do developers need to create interfaces for users? [Perhaps a higher education case study for researchers as users; event/venue listings case study for more people through the door?]
  • linked open data in the legislative environment - copyright, open data, FOI?


Possible case studies: British Museum linked data, National Gallery, Culture24?  Ask JISC, vendors, W3C?  MySociety, CultureHack?


Audience: heads of department, documentation managers, curators, marketing staff, people who can effect organisational change; not a geek event.

Comments (11)

Jon Voss said

at 10:40 pm on Jun 6, 2011

I'll be out there the week of June 20th if anyone wants to get together... though that's coming up fast!

Mia said

at 3:33 pm on Jun 7, 2011

There's a lot going on the week before so it might be a bit tight, but we could try, especially if it'd help sort out post-LOD-LAM actions.

Richard Light said

at 3:39 pm on Jun 8, 2011

Interested - I'll check availability when I get back tonight.

Pete Johnston said

at 4:11 pm on Jun 8, 2011

I'd be interested. I can't do week of 11-15 July, but could do most other days in July

Richard Light said

at 11:02 pm on Jun 8, 2011

w/b 20 June isn't good for me: I'm on help desk call every day apart from the 20th itself. In July, can't do 6-8 and possibly w/b 18th.

Shaun Osborne said

at 11:10 am on Jun 9, 2011

Interested. July OK, wks/b 11th and 18th best for me.

Jon Voss said

at 10:12 pm on Jun 15, 2011

Hi folks, sorry I can't join you in July! But we are hosting an informal get together of GLAM types at the Historypin offices on Wed June 22 from 5-7pm in London--might be a good chance to meet up casually in any case. Feel free to drop me a line at jon.voss@wearewhatwedo.org if you're interested in coming by and I'll send you the details. Thanks! Jon

Mia said

at 2:36 pm on Jun 23, 2011

I've set up a whenisgood for this - please head over to http://whenisgood.net/lodlamlondon and paint over the dates that work for you!

Mia said

at 12:06 am on Jun 24, 2011

Adrian Stevenson said

at 7:48 am on Jun 28, 2011

I guess I'm probably too late now, but the day after, ie. 13th July for the meetup would have been perfect for me, if there's any chance of that. No worries if not. Ade

Mia said

at 1:50 pm on Jul 27, 2011

A quick update - looks like November 24 could be a great day... after a meeting with the Open Knowledge Foundation in London, we came up with the following:

Open Data in Cultural Heritage: Finding your way through the license labyrinth

* Thursday 24th November, from 1300
* Central London
* Around 40 people

This will be a half day hands-on workshop on open data in the cultural heritage sector. Leading practitioners will present case studies on successful open data initiatives, and legal experts will run an open data licensing clinic to address issues and questions with common licensing frameworks. It is aimed at enabling decision makers at museums, libraries and archives to navigate the plethora of licensing options for opening up their data.

[Some of this has been informed by on-going discussions at these meetups, on this wiki and in places like the MCG list, so thanks all for your thoughts, and please continue to comment!]

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